Parent Notification

  • Parents have the right to request information about the professional qualifications concerning their child’s teacher(s) and should be informed if their child is served by any paraprofessionals providing educational assistance, and if so, their qualifications. Teaching certifications can be found by accessing the Tennessee Department of Education website for Teacher Licensing


  • Parents must receive notification if their child is being taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks in a core curriculum subject by a teacher not certified.

  • Parents will have access to system/school report cards as developed by the State Department of Education and available (usually in the fall of each year) through their website or at the school and/or district website.

  • Parents will be informed if their child is enrolled in a school identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. They will also receive an explanation of what this means, the academic comparisons with the district and state, and the steps being taken to improve achievement and parent involvement.

  • Parents should know that they may request in writing that their child’s name, address, and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter without prior written consent.

  • Parents will be informed by annual notice regarding the availability of supplemental educational services if a school fails to meet adequate yearly progress.

  • Parents must receive annual academic results for mid-reporting periods and end of reporting periods, as well as TCAP Achievement results in grades 3-8, Writing Assessment results (if applicable), and End of Course and Gateway Exam results in a timely manner as required by local Board policy and the State Department of Education.

  • Parents of a student identified as limited English proficient (ELL-English Language Learner) must be notified in a timely manner of their child’s participation in an ESL Program, details of the program, rights to waive participation, and specific information on the child’s level of English proficiency.

  • A parental involvement policy is available in the school’s handbook, website, or by contacting the school office.  For Title I Schools, a written parental involvement policy will be developed jointly with and distributed to parents of children participating in Title Programs.  This includes an annual meeting for parents to inform them of their school’s participation in programs (e.g., Title I) funded under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) federal legislation.

  • Schools and parents must be notified of school-wide program authority under which schools can consolidate funds from federal, state, and local sources to upgrade the educational program of the entire school.  The qualification is 40% of students must be from verified low income families.

  • Parents can visit the state’s website to access a description of the curriculum (Tennessee Curriculum Standards), assessment, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

  • Parents have access to district and school information and reports through the media and the district/school report cards available on the state, district, or schools web site.

  • The Roane County School Board Policy relating to student privacy and parental access to information is available on the district website.  This Federal law affords parents and students (over 18 years of age) certain rights with respect to educational records.  Any changes to School Board Policy will be made on the district website.

  • Students and parents are encouraged to participate in safe and drug-free school programs to prevent student violence and drug use.  Parents can request in writing their child’s non-participation in such activities.

  • School health requirements, policies, and procedures (e.g., immunizations, medication at school, etc.) are available from the Roane County Health Department Office or the school nurse.

Please see the following link to read the ATSI 2023 Letter.