HMS Student Council is sponsoring a food drive!! We will begin collecting cans on Tuesday, 10/29/24, and we will conclude the food drive on Tuesday, 11/19/24. Students will need to bring their non-perishable, unexpired food items to their homeroom classes to turn in. The homeroom with the most food collected will win a prize!

Please see the attachment for important dates for September!

Yearbooks are already available to pre-order, online. If you would like to go ahead and order your child's yearbook, you may do so by following this link, below. Also, the yearbook company is currently running a special, and any student who orders a book between now and September 27, 2024, can get some free icons on the front cover of their book!!
Pre-order your copy, today!!

While our HMS Family loves pets and understands they are a part of the family, due to liability reasons, we can only allow trained service animals on school grounds and at school events, to include football games and other athletic events.
Please allow your pets the excitement of welcoming you home upon your return from one of our events!

Hello, everyone!
We are sharing a community opportunity for family fun!! Please see the attached flyer for information about National Night Out 2024!

Please take a moment to follow the link and fill out the Title I survey.

Tonight's basketball game has been cancelled with no plan to reschedule.
We will recognize this year's eighth graders at a future date, and we will post information about when and where that will be once it has been decided.

Attention spring sports families!
Tryouts for spring sports are coming up soon, and there is important information you need to know!
Students who wish to try out for spring sports (baseball, softball, and golf) MUST have a current athletics physical and be on Final Forms for the sport they wish to play.
If your child intends to try out for any of these sports, you need to ensure he or she has their physical and is on Final Forms BEFORE tryouts. The physical must be on file with the school, and the student must be in Final Forms and associated with his or her chosen sport prior to try out day. If these requirements are not met, your child WILL NOT be allowed to try out for the sport.
Tryouts for both baseball and softball are currently scheduled for January 29th at their respective fields, weather permitting. Make sure all requirements are met BEFORE this date.
We will have information on golf coming soon.

Please see the attached image for information about next week!!
Join in the fun at HMS as we gear up for a couple of weeks off from school!
Each day next week (Dec. 11-15, 2023), we will have a dress-up day to help put us in the holiday spirit! Be sure to check out the information for each day, and come dressed to impress!!!

Please see the attachment for important October dates.

Please mark your calendars to join in via Zoom for a Family Tech Talk coming up next month!!
Zoom is a FREE program you can use to join in on hosted meetings and informational sessions. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rhonda Smith using the email in the flyer or through our HMS website!

Please see the attached for information on the Homecoming dress-up days for next week!
(9/11/23 to 9/15/23)

Please see the graphic for important dates for the month of September!

The September 2023 newsletter is available NOW!! Please navigate to the Parents section of our website (click on the Parent Info tile on our homepage), and scroll down to the newsletter section to head to our newsletter database!

Please remember that we are hosting our Meet and Greet on Monday, August 14, 2023!! Come in and meet your student's teachers!! Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Please remember info on the following procedures: 1. Doors open at 7:30 am for student drop off every morning. 2. Car riders MUST be dropped off and picked up in the traffic circle at the school's front doors. Car riders CANNOT be dropped off or picked up on Cumberland Street. This is a safety hazard for students, and creates traffic flow problems. 3. Car rider and walker dismissal is at 3:13 pm, daily, unless we have an abbreviated day. 4. When picking up car riders in the afternoon, please follow Mrs. Smith's and Coach Tapp's directions for moving forward in the line. Once you have picked up your student and are directed to leave the traffic circle, please proceed up the alley along the fence line by the gym and exit to Georgia Street. This will avoid congestion on Cumberland Street.

Please see the attachment for important dates for August.
Please note that all online registration and FinalForms need to be completed by Friday, August 11, 2023. If you are having difficulties with this process, we will have help available at the Meet and Greet on Monday, August 14, 2023.

Attention sixth grade families!!!
Come join us on Thursday, August 3, 2023, from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm for Sixth Grade Orientation Night! Please see the flyer for important information about that night.
Please note that you will also be able to purchase chromebook insurance on this night. If you plan to purchase this insurance, please bring your $20 insurance payment in the form of cash or a check made out to Harriman Middle School.

Parents of football players, please see the following information from Coach Headrick:
Football practice will be resuming later this week!
Prior to practice, please ensure that players have their FinalForms switched over to the 23-24 school year, and please make sure both the parent/guardian AND the player have signed off!! Also, make sure they have turned in a current physical for the upcoming year (it must be dated on or after April 15, 2023).
RISING SIXTH GRADERS will begin practice on Thursday, July 13, 2023, from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm.
ALL PLAYERS will begin practicing together on Monday, July 17, 2023, from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm.

School supply lists have been posted for a few weeks, now. Students will have every teacher who teaches their grade level, so our school supply lists are by grade, not teachers' classes. You can find the lists by going to the parents section of our website and scrolling down until you find the information on supply lists.
You can also click on this link to be taken directly to the page that has all of the supply lists posted.