For students that received a learning camp letter, Summer Learning Camp starts Tuesday, May 30, 2023, at 8 AM! Please visit the following link for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Emily Palmer
learning camp
8th Grade Families, Please see the attached image for information about 8th grade orientation at Harriman High School!! Please note that this year's orientation will be in August.
almost 2 years ago, Tori Henley
freshman orientation
Please see the attached images for our May 2023 Newsletter that was sent home yesterday!!!
almost 2 years ago, Tori Henley
Newsletter pg 1
Newsletter pg 2
Please see the information below regarding end-of-the-year athletic tryouts (cheer, basketball, volleyball, and spring football). ANY STUDENT who is wishing to try out for any of the 2023-2024 fall/winter athletic teams MUST have a current physical and all necessary forms in FinalForms completed prior to tryouts. Students who have not turned in a current physical and/or who have not completed FinalForms will NOT be allowed to participate in tryouts. Cheer - Any rising 6th grader through rising 8th grader may try out for cheer. Practices will be May 8th and 9th from 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm in the HMS gym. Tryouts will be on May 10th, starting at 3:30 pm, also in the HMS gym. Girls Basketball - Any rising 6th grade girl through rising 8th grade girl interested in trying out for basketball will need to be at the HMS Gym on May 19. Tryouts will be from 2:00 pm until 3:30 pm. Boys Basketball - Any rising 6th grade boy through rising 8th grade boy interested in trying out for basketball will need to be at the HMS Gym on May 19. Tryouts will be from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm. Volleyball - Volleyball will be a fall sport starting this next school year. IT WILL NO LONGER CONFLICT WITH BASKETBALL OR SOFTBALL SEASONS. For any rising 6th grade girl through rising 8th grade girl interested in trying out for volleyball, tryouts will be held in the HMS gym from May 22nd through May 24th, from 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm, each day. Spring Football - ONLY CURRENT HMS 6TH AND 7TH GRADERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN SPRING FOOTBALL. Rising 6th graders will receive information about football at a later time. Spring football participants will need to be at the HMS field house on May 5th from 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm for equipment handout. Practice will begin starting May 8th, with the following schedule: May 8th and 9th - 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm May 10th - 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm May 11th - 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm May 12th - 3:30 pm until 5:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Tori Henley
football megaphone basketball volleyball
Please see the attached flyer for information about TN Ready testing at HMS!!! We will be sending home a hard copy of the flyer this afternoon! (4/14/23)
almost 2 years ago, Tori Henley
testing schedule
Roane County Schools TN will be closed tomorrow, Friday, April 7, 2023, in observance of Good Friday. Students and staff do not report. Classes will resume on Monday, April 10, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, School Closures, Delays, and Dismissals
good friday
April newsletters went home this past Friday, and they were on neon pink paper!! Just in case the little darlings did not get their copy of the newsletter to you, feel free to peruse it below!! (4-3-23)
almost 2 years ago, Tori Henley
newsletter pg 1
newsletter pg 2
Roane County Schools will be on Spring Break starting Monday, March 13, 2023. Classes will resume on Monday, March 20, 2023. Please enjoy a safe and relaxing break!
about 2 years ago, School Closures, Delays, and Dismissals
spring break
Please check out the link below to access the 22-23 Title I Parent and Family Survey. The school system values your input when making decisions regarding Title I resources. Please take a few minutes to fill out the Google Form!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
On Thursday, March 2, 2023, we will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences! Come in and meet with your children's teachers!! Conferences will be from 4:00-6:00 that evening!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
Winter Ball is TOMORROW!!! (Saturday, February 25, 2023). Please see the attached map for instructions on drop off and pickup. Doors will open at 5:45 pm. There are multiple events occurring in town tomorrow evening. In addition to the Harriman High School boys basketball game, there will also be a play at The Princess Theatre on Roane Street, across from our venue. Please pay special attention to the map that, due to the congestion on Roane Street for the play, you MUST exit the drop off/pick up area by turning LEFT on Walden Avenue. This will apply for both the drop off and pick up times. Please do not park in the parking lot for drop off or pick up. This will interfere with the flow of traffic and make both processes take longer. Faculty and staff will be present at drop off and pick up to aid in getting students into the building. There will also be signage posted along the street to help direct traffic accordingly. Remember that tickets will NOT be sold at the door, so they MUST be bought from the office by the end of the day, TODAY (Friday, February 24, 2023)!!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
map of winter ball route
Check out the February newsletter! Paper copies are also coming home, today! Ask your student for the bright pink piece of paper they received during their afternoon homeroom time!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
newsletter pg 1
newsletter pg 2
Please see the information about the Spring Renaissance Program. Please also note that the program will occur by grade level, so please plan accordingly for the grade level of your Renaissance Student.
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
white background color swirls
8th grade parents, please see the attached flyer for information about the yearbook and the 8th grade ad section!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
colorful flyer 8th grade ads
The basketball district tournaments start TODAY (Thursday, January 19, 2023). Admission is $6 per person. The only passes that will be accepted are TSSAA and TACA passes. The HMS teams will not be playing until Saturday. The girls will play at 5:30 pm on Saturday, and the boys will follow at 6:45 pm. ALL tournament games will be played at the Harriman High School gym. Please see the link for access to the tournament bracket.
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
Basketball through hoop
Please see the attachments for the January newsletter!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
January newsletter
January newsletter
Please see the attached flyer for information regarding tryouts for spring sports!! Students MUST have a CURRENT physical on file with the school on the proper forms for documentation. Please drop by the school if you need a copy of the physical forms to take to your appointment. Also, students MUST be in FinalForms with all information up-to-date. If you have not set up FinalForms already this year, you may access FinalForms through our school website. The link can be found by clicking on the Parent Info tile on our homepage. Please set up your FinalForms, there. If you already have FinalForms for your student, please make sure it is up-to-date with the correct information. Without a CURRENT documented physical AND FinalForms completed, students will not be able to try out.
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
tryout flyer baseball volleyball softball golf
Congratulations to our 22-23 Teacher of the Year!! Mr. Goldston was voted by his fellow teachers as the Teacher of the Year for this school year. We are very excited about this, as Mr. Goldston is a student AND staff favorite, and is very deserving of this recognition!! We thank Mr. Goldston for his dedication in the classroom as well as his service to our country! Congratulations, Mr. Goldston!!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
Mr Goldston in front of brick wall
Remember: Students start back to school tomorrow (Tuesday, January 3, 2023). Make sure those chromebooks get charged tonight and are ready to go!!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
yoda charge chromebook
Please take note that students do not return to school until TUESDAY!! Also, please make sure that students who took their chromebooks home start digging out their chargers this weekend so they can charge them Monday night to be ready for school on Tuesday!!
about 2 years ago, Tori Henley
back to school snowflakes